Me and Barrett were both up with a stomach bug Tuesday night until about 3 am, when he finally was able to fall asleep. He woke back up at 6 and decided he was going to stay awake. Around 9 am, I decided I just couldn't do it that day, so I called Ty's mom and she was happy to keep him for me, thank goodness! She came to pick him up around 11 and I was happy to get a break and to hopefully feel better. I never expected to feel how I felt after he left. It's just such an odd indescribable feeling. As soon as I shut the door, I boo-hooed for a while. I was so excited to get the break but so sad for him to leave. It's funny because my sister was just talking about that feeling last week to me and I didn't understand at the time. But I can say now, that I totally know what she was talking about. Me and Ty went to eat with some friends last night and ran a few places after it. When we got home, we both said we felt kind of guilty for having such a good time, just the two of us. However, I keep telling myself that it's totally normal to still be able to have fun, without Barrett. I think every couple that has children, needs a break every now and then, for just the two of them.
As I came to work today, I happened to look down at my dry clean only black jacket. I realized that I probably look horrible because it's covered in white dog hair and had some spit up around the collar...haha. I'm sure that's how it's going to look for a while too. It comes with the property of being a mother to a human baby and dog baby and I don't mind it at all! Everyone will just have to excuse it, when they see me.
I'm finally feeling a little better with the postpartum depression. I've been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now and it's starting to help. I truly appreciate all of you that have messaged/texted me lately, just checking on me. It helps alot! I still have times when I'm down but overall, it's better and I'm able to cope with the bad feelings.
We are so thankful for the great family we've been blessed with! As I mentioned already, Ty's parents kept Barrett last night and my sweet mom and stepdad are keeping him on New Year's Eve. My sister stayed at our house one night last week and got up with him. We've had sooo much help since he's been born and are so grateful for that!
I've started to call Barrett "B" lately. My sister actually started calling him that first and I've just picked up on it. It's pretty catchy, so I'm thinking it may stick a while. He's been smiling alot for us lately. It's so sweet! We've had to not hold him as much lately because he's gotten to where that's all he wants and cries when we don't hold him. Unfortunately, when we see family, that's all they want to do which is understandable, but it makes it hard on us when we get home because we just can't hold him 24/7. He's still doing fine, sleeping in his crib, which I'm happy about. He gets up every 3-5 hours and take 4-6 ounces of milk at a time. He got his first taste of Pedialyte at Ty's mom's yesterday, which I'm curious to see how well he did with it. I'm sure he loved it! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Bottle, Diaper, Laundry, Dishes, repeat...
This blog title pretty much explains my life right now. I feel like I'm constantly doing one of those things I listed-giving Barrett a bottle, changing his diaper, doing laundry, dishes, or something else for the baby. Atleast it keeps me busy though. He's been a little fussy the past few days but we're thinking it's just a bellyache. I feel like he's out of the "brand new baby" stage. Right after he was born, you could do pretty much anything to him while he was asleep and it wouldn't even phase him. Now...if he's sleeping, we can't hardly touch him without him waking up. I can tell he's going to be one of those babies that fights gong to sleep. It's like he thinks he'll miss something so he fights to stay awake. He stays awake ALOT now too, unlike before. I love just sitting and watching him. He makes this "coo" sound when he sleeps and it's so sweet. When he's awake, it's neat to watch him look at things. He makes the funniest faces!
I go back to the doctor for my 6 week check-up on Jan. 4. We're hoping I can try to wean off the BP meds and I'll be cleared to be able to go back to having a "somewhat" normal life. I'm still not supposed to be lifting stuff but I've had to, since I don't have a 24/7 assistant by my side. I'm eager to get to go to the chiropractor since my back is killing me. I also can't wait to start working out and see if I can get back into shape just a little. I'll never have a normal stomach again, I don't think! Everyone says it will go back to pre-pregnancy but I think if they saw MY stomach, they'd think differently...haha. It's literally COVERED in stretchmarks and my skin just sags. You can tell my uterus is still above my bellybutton too. It's pretty gross to say the least. But, everything was worth it. I'm still saying I won't have another baby but only time will tell. I'm not getting anything permanently fixed for now! Anyways, everyone have a great week.
I go back to the doctor for my 6 week check-up on Jan. 4. We're hoping I can try to wean off the BP meds and I'll be cleared to be able to go back to having a "somewhat" normal life. I'm still not supposed to be lifting stuff but I've had to, since I don't have a 24/7 assistant by my side. I'm eager to get to go to the chiropractor since my back is killing me. I also can't wait to start working out and see if I can get back into shape just a little. I'll never have a normal stomach again, I don't think! Everyone says it will go back to pre-pregnancy but I think if they saw MY stomach, they'd think differently...haha. It's literally COVERED in stretchmarks and my skin just sags. You can tell my uterus is still above my bellybutton too. It's pretty gross to say the least. But, everything was worth it. I'm still saying I won't have another baby but only time will tell. I'm not getting anything permanently fixed for now! Anyways, everyone have a great week.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Getting the hang of this mommy thing!
Overall, I think I'm getting the hang of being a mother and it's a sigh of relief. We're in a "somewhat" routine with Barrett, so that's nice. He's hungry about every 3 hours but sometimes will go 4 hours. He's averaging about 5 ounces of formula each feeding but sometimes will only take 3 ounces and occasionally wants 6 ounces. He's done fairly well sleeping the past few nights. He gets up about every 3 hours and as soon as he finishes his bottle, he typically goes right back to sleep. It takes 30-45 minutes to feed him, plus 10 minutes to rock him back to sleep, so technically I'm getting about 2 hours of sleep in between him waking up. I hate sitting home all day so I normally just operate on what sleep I can get. I occasionally slip in a 30 minute nap or so. We're both sick and it kills me to see him feeling bad. We went to the doctor yesterday and it seems it's just "the crud" so there's not much we can do. I'm giving him saline throughout the day and sucking out his nose but it's not helping as much as I'd hoped. Him feeling bad is making him not want to take his bottle, bless his heart! For the past week, he's had a crying fit from about 11 pm until 1 or 2 am. I'm thinking it may be a little colic, since I've heard it normally hits babies at the same time every day.
I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner! We didn't put up our big tree or all the house decorations this year. There's been WAY too much going on to worry about it. My mom let us borrow her little 3 or 4 foot tree and it does just fine! I did atleast put up our stockings too. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done but have just a little bit left and am trying to finish that up this week. Hopefully, all of the stuff will be here in time! Everyone has been asking me what to get Barrett and I have no idea! I'll be thankful for anything he gets. I think some people have gotten too wrapped up in what gifts they get and have forgotten the real reason for Christmas. I'll never let Barrett be one of those bratty kids that acts rude if they don't get exactly what they wanted. Of course, kids mainly think about what gifts they're going to get for Christmas and that's fine but I've seen some kids act pathetic because they didn't get exactly what they wanted.
Barrett's definitely filling out his 3 month clothes now! He'll be in 6 month clothing before too much longer. He weighed 12 pounds on Monday and 12 lb 8 oz yesterday! I have no idea what caused me to have such a big baby! I had no health problems at all while I was pregnant so he's just one of those random big babies! He got his newborn pictures done this week and I'm so happy with them! I placed a big order for some last night. It was hard to get him to do all of the newborn poses the photographer normally does because he's so strong. I remember the day he was born, he was able to support his head on his own. I'm proud to say I've officially had 1 person say that Barrett looks just like me! Haha. He is definitely a mini-Ty so it's nice to hear someone say he looks like me.
I guess I need to go get a shower while this booger is asleep. I always put him in his bouncy seat while I get ready and he does great. He actually loves the sound of the hair dryer, so he sleeps great through it. Adios!
I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner! We didn't put up our big tree or all the house decorations this year. There's been WAY too much going on to worry about it. My mom let us borrow her little 3 or 4 foot tree and it does just fine! I did atleast put up our stockings too. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done but have just a little bit left and am trying to finish that up this week. Hopefully, all of the stuff will be here in time! Everyone has been asking me what to get Barrett and I have no idea! I'll be thankful for anything he gets. I think some people have gotten too wrapped up in what gifts they get and have forgotten the real reason for Christmas. I'll never let Barrett be one of those bratty kids that acts rude if they don't get exactly what they wanted. Of course, kids mainly think about what gifts they're going to get for Christmas and that's fine but I've seen some kids act pathetic because they didn't get exactly what they wanted.
Barrett's definitely filling out his 3 month clothes now! He'll be in 6 month clothing before too much longer. He weighed 12 pounds on Monday and 12 lb 8 oz yesterday! I have no idea what caused me to have such a big baby! I had no health problems at all while I was pregnant so he's just one of those random big babies! He got his newborn pictures done this week and I'm so happy with them! I placed a big order for some last night. It was hard to get him to do all of the newborn poses the photographer normally does because he's so strong. I remember the day he was born, he was able to support his head on his own. I'm proud to say I've officially had 1 person say that Barrett looks just like me! Haha. He is definitely a mini-Ty so it's nice to hear someone say he looks like me.
I guess I need to go get a shower while this booger is asleep. I always put him in his bouncy seat while I get ready and he does great. He actually loves the sound of the hair dryer, so he sleeps great through it. Adios!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Barrett's checkup
I got a ton of stuff done today, thanks to my fantastic sister! We had an appointment with Dr. Woods first thing this morning. Barrett was 23.5 inches long and weighed a whopping 12 pounds! He's 3 weeks 1 day old today. The doctor said he looked and sounded like a perfect baby! After the doctor's visit, we grabbed some lunch and then got Barrett's newborn pictures done, finally! I've had to put it off for the past 2 weeks because of all my health problems but I'm glad we actually got them done today! They will be adorable and hopefully be on Facebook tomorrow or soon after. Then, I had a bunch of other places that I just had to run in and do something small, so my sis sat in the car with Barrett every place we went so he didn't have to get out in the freezing cold. I'm so thankful for the help and support I've gotten from my family lately and don't know what I'd do without them. My mother-in-law is even coming to clean my house for me tomorrow!
Some fun facts about Barrett this past week:
He loves ceiling fans
He likes the sound of running water
He has just started to enjoy his bouncy seat and naps in it during the day
He WILL pee on you within 5 seconds of removing his diaper every time he gets changed
He already has to sleep in his Pack n' Play in our bedroom because he's too big for his bassinet
He likes getting his head rubbed
He won't have another doctor's visit for 5 more weeks, when he'll be 8 weeks old. The doctor said that's when they'll give him his shots and I'm sure it'll break my heart to see him hurt. It breaks Lilly's heart too, when he cries. She gets excited every morning to go see Barrett and gives him lots of sugar. When he's fussy or crying, she has to be right beside him to make sure he's alright. On a side note, I've packed up all of my maternity clothes! It's a huge feeling of relief! I've got 4 garbage bags full, plus a couple of pregnancy pillows that I want to get rid of. I'm going to sell it all but the problem is that I'm selling it all TOGETHER. I don't want to mess with people looking through each item and seeing what they want to buy-there's just too many things to do it that way. So, if anyone's interested, let me know! Most of it is summer stuff, which are sizes Medium and Large. I have a little bit of Fall stuff but it's mostly sizes XL and petites.
And just an update from my last post, I'm feeling a little better. I think the anti-depressants may have started working a little and I'm just keeping faith that it will get better with each day. I appreciate all of you who've commented and prayed for me! Every little bit helps! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week!
Some fun facts about Barrett this past week:
He loves ceiling fans
He likes the sound of running water
He has just started to enjoy his bouncy seat and naps in it during the day
He WILL pee on you within 5 seconds of removing his diaper every time he gets changed
He already has to sleep in his Pack n' Play in our bedroom because he's too big for his bassinet
He likes getting his head rubbed
He won't have another doctor's visit for 5 more weeks, when he'll be 8 weeks old. The doctor said that's when they'll give him his shots and I'm sure it'll break my heart to see him hurt. It breaks Lilly's heart too, when he cries. She gets excited every morning to go see Barrett and gives him lots of sugar. When he's fussy or crying, she has to be right beside him to make sure he's alright. On a side note, I've packed up all of my maternity clothes! It's a huge feeling of relief! I've got 4 garbage bags full, plus a couple of pregnancy pillows that I want to get rid of. I'm going to sell it all but the problem is that I'm selling it all TOGETHER. I don't want to mess with people looking through each item and seeing what they want to buy-there's just too many things to do it that way. So, if anyone's interested, let me know! Most of it is summer stuff, which are sizes Medium and Large. I have a little bit of Fall stuff but it's mostly sizes XL and petites.
And just an update from my last post, I'm feeling a little better. I think the anti-depressants may have started working a little and I'm just keeping faith that it will get better with each day. I appreciate all of you who've commented and prayed for me! Every little bit helps! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Praying for guidance and strength through hard times
This will be a very brief, to the point post. I've had a hard time since having Barrett, physically and emotionally. After the C-Section, ridiculously high blood pressure, some infections, and now a wretched cold, I've developed another problem. I thought I just had the "baby blues" as they call it but we now know it's full on postpartum depression. It's definitely not a good feeling and no one will understand it unless they've been through it. It's not something I'm ashamed of and have learned that it actually helps to talk about it with others. It's just a matter of how each person's body deals with the huge shift in hormones after giving birth and obviously mine doesn't do well with this change. I've lost about 45 pounds in 2.5 weeks and find it hard to eat or sleep anymore. We decided it was best to let some close family keep Barrett for a few days, to clear my head and hopefully get the right antidepressant for me. I've prayed and prayed to get things to straighten out and would appreciate any prayers I can get. I hardly ever ask for prayers but I feel it's an appropriate request for now. I love Barrett more than anything in the world and for that reason, I have to focus on me for now. Thanks in advance for your time.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I'm not sure I was prepared for this...
The ups and downs, that is...I was hoping there would only be ups after Barrett arrived. Of course, he is the sweetest and best blessing I could have ever received but man, this has been tough. The C-Section itself was NOTHING in comparison to everything that's happened after it. I think I atleast have my blood pressure under control for now. Well, atleast it's not in the seizure or stroke zone :/ I was put on 3 different BP meds to start with and 2 of them gave me horrible side effects. So, I'm only on 1 of them now. My BP isn't quite as low as we'd like to see it but as long as I stay below the scary zone, we're sticking with that med. I no longer look like a balloon from all of the swelling, which is such a nice feeling! I also have to admit I'm very proud of myself for the weight I've lost. I gained 50 pounds throughout the pregnancy and in the past 2 weeks, I've lost 35 of those only 15 to go! I guess that's what all this anxiety and not feeling good will do to ya! Now, I just get to battle this bladder infection and hopefully that will be it!
Barrett was what I considered a perfect baby the first week but now, he's totally got his days and nights mixed up. Last night for example, he stayed up ALL night (literally). He caught about 5 minutes of sleep here and there but was wide awake and wanted to party for the most part. Needless to say, I'm exhausted now. I had an appointment early this morning so no naps for me so far. Regardless, I'm tired of sitting home so I came into work anyways. Barrett got to come with me but I don't know how well this will work...we'll see!
Anyways, Barrett's growing like a weed! A few days ago, we weighed him at home and he's already 11.2 pounds...haha. He can control his head and eyes very well for his age. He's rolled onto his side a few times and tries to/has held his bottle on his own. I honestly think I gave birth to a 3 month old sometimes, minus the sleep pattern.
I'll update again soon! Everyone have a great week!
Barrett was what I considered a perfect baby the first week but now, he's totally got his days and nights mixed up. Last night for example, he stayed up ALL night (literally). He caught about 5 minutes of sleep here and there but was wide awake and wanted to party for the most part. Needless to say, I'm exhausted now. I had an appointment early this morning so no naps for me so far. Regardless, I'm tired of sitting home so I came into work anyways. Barrett got to come with me but I don't know how well this will work...we'll see!
Anyways, Barrett's growing like a weed! A few days ago, we weighed him at home and he's already 11.2 pounds...haha. He can control his head and eyes very well for his age. He's rolled onto his side a few times and tries to/has held his bottle on his own. I honestly think I gave birth to a 3 month old sometimes, minus the sleep pattern.
I'll update again soon! Everyone have a great week!
Monday, November 29, 2010
This past week...
I haven't posted a blog in a little while, so I figured while I have some down time, I would. I was originally scheduled my C-Section on the 22nd. I started getting contractions the night of the 20th and waited a good 8 hours until the morning of the 21st to actually go to the hospital. I just wasn't sure if what I was having were real contractions until they got to the point I couldn't bear them anymore. I got to the hospital around 7 am and was only 1/2 cm dilated, which didn't matter much anyways since I was getting a C-Section. We figure that was my body's way of saying that it wasn't possible to have a normal delivery anyways. So, my doctor decided to go ahead with the C-Section that day. I was so excited but beyond nervous. Luckily, everything went extremely fast so there wasn't much time to be nervous. I got my IVs, some meds, and my spinal and was ready to go at 9:09 am. Barrett was out and crying at 9:17 am. It was so amazing! I was even more shocked when they told me how big he was-a whopping 10 lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long! He looks like a miniature Ty. I think he has my eyes, nose, and mouth, but overall, just looking at him, he's definitely Ty's twin. It's a good thing we had planned a C-Section to begin with because more than likely, I would have been in labor for a really long time and ended up having to have a C-Section anyways.


My blood pressure had been up 2 weeks prior to having Barrett but only moderately high. Oddly enough, 2 days before I went into labor, it went down to normal and stayed that way until the day I got released. It was back up to moderately high (around 145/90) that day but we were dying to go home so they let us go. After 3 hours at home, I just didn't feel right so I checked my BP and it was 180/120 so we had to go back to the hospital. It was such a hard thing to have to leave my baby so soon. Luckily though, I have a great sister and mother that helped take care of him the 3 additional days I had to stay. When I got there, I was put on a Magnesium drip for 36 hours. The magnesium makes you feel pretty horrible, like you have the flu times 10 and after a while, I felt like I was in a tunnel. When they finally let me stop it, they kept me for 2 more days to monitor my BP levels and they had gone down to around 140/90, which isn't great but is good enough for them to let me go home. I was sent home with a BP med and that was it.
The worst thing about it all is not being able to do anything with my baby. Even the slightest activity gets my blood pressure up so I'm trying to stay laid back on the couch and do a few small things with him here and there. I've had some horrendous headaches the past couple of days so I went to the doctor on Sunday to see what they could do and surely enough, my BP was 180/115. Luckily, they didn't make me go back to the hospital. Instead, they sent me home with 2 new meds to see if they'll help. I had a checkup today and my levels were perfect at about 125/75. I guess the meds helped! However, tonight, I've gotten more headaches and my BP is moderately high again. It's just starting to get very discouraging. Just when we thought we had it fixed, it went bad again. This totally hasn't been my dream of how my first few days and weeks with my baby would be. But, in order for me to not have a seizure or stroke, it's just going to have to be this way. I just pray that it will clear up sometime soon.
Barrett has been a perfect baby so far. He typically only cries when he has a dirty diaper or he's hungry. He's had a few tummy aches here and there but nothing that doesn't pass in a few minutes. He's already taking 3-4 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. He's a hungry lil guy. Luckily, I have a fantastic husband that has done everything for Barrett and me. He's been so good at getting up with him at night, feeding and changing him, and taking care of me on top of all of it.
Lilly (our dog) has really fallen in love with Barrett. She gets so worried when he makes noises. It's like she thinks something is wrong with him and she wants to fix it. I love watching them together. On a side note, we've had so many nice family and friends bring us food and other stuff as we came home. This has helped a ton! If we didn't have all of this help, we'd be eating McDonald's every night and that's NOT what I need right now. We're so thankful for all of these people! Anyways, I have a checkup on Friday for my blood pressure and Barrett goes back in 2 weeks to see how big he's gotten! We'll update later!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oh the aggravation!
I've hoped my whole pregnancy that I would not ever have to go to the hospital until I knew I was in labor. Unfortunately, that hope didn't come true. I've had some horrible headaches, nausea, and swelling this week so I made a visit to my doctor on Monday. My blood pressure was high so they had me do a 24 hour urine test and return to the doctor Tuesday. May I mention, the 24 hour urine test meant I had to collect ALL of my urine in a big jug, which wasn't very pretty. At the doctor Tuesday, my blood pressure was still high so they ran my test and did more bloodwork while I waited. They let me know at about 4 pm that they wanted me to go to the hospital to be "monitored". I got there at about 6 pm that night and will NOT go back to the hospital to be monitored again. It was not a pleasant experience at all. I got there and since I wasn't officially being admitted, they put me in the Labor & Delivery room where it's just a bunch of pregnant women divided by curtains. They hooked me up to all these annoying monitors and oddly enough, my blood pressure was perfect. After about an hour being there, bored and anxious out of my mind, I got the joy of having a girl in labor come in beside me. She screamed the whole time like someone was killing her. I heard them say she was 3-4 cm dilated and then all of a sudden she screamed like no other and her water broke. I know labor is horrendous pain but she seemed to be a little over the top. I thought for sure that my next BP reading would be out the roof but of course, it wasn't.
Thank the Lord, they finally got her out of there and I sat there another 2-3 hours. I chose not to tell anyone but mine and Ty's parents only because I am already anxious enough to have this baby and didn't want anyone calling/texting repetitively to see if/when the baby's going to be born. I also didn't want any visitors and I know how it works with stuff like that. I would end up with random people coming to visit, while I'm naked under a gown, anxious, and feeling horrible. That whole time, my BP was great but Dr. Welsch decided to admit me overnight and let me know something in the morning. I can actually say though, that the rooms are pretty nice at Jackson General. It was huge for a hospital room. Luckily, they didn't hook me back up to all the monitors. They just came in every 2 or 3 hours and checked my BP and did some blood work. I slept about 3 hours but was wide awake at about 3 this morning. Poor Ty had to sleep on the little couch they have in the rooms. But atleast he did sleep. He said he just woke up the times they came in and fell back asleep. I finally heard from the doctor at about 11 am. She said since my BP was so good while I was there and my bloodwork looked fine, they'd send me home. To be honest, I was extremely upset. I never thought I'd be the pregnant woman to cry to the doctor about wanting to get the baby out. But, I was! Not to mention, they had me lay on my left side the entire time I was there. Of course, my blood pressure is going to be good laying like that! At home, I can't lay down at all due to all the pain and shortness of breath, so my blood pressure has of course, gone back up since I've been home.
I know I only have about 4 days left until he's here but I'm just really anxious and moody. We've had a few people call non-stop, asking if Barrett's coming early and all and it irritates me more than anything. There's no doubt I want him to be here more than anyone on this planet so hearing someone else gripe that he's not here yet just annoys me. I'm just glad that my husband is so supportive and caring and knows how to handle these situations for me. I thank God for him every day! Anyways, I go back to Dr. Welsch tomorrow to discuss what will happen Monday and all that good stuff. I can't wait until then! I get to meet my baby boy and hopefully get to feeling a little better!
Thank the Lord, they finally got her out of there and I sat there another 2-3 hours. I chose not to tell anyone but mine and Ty's parents only because I am already anxious enough to have this baby and didn't want anyone calling/texting repetitively to see if/when the baby's going to be born. I also didn't want any visitors and I know how it works with stuff like that. I would end up with random people coming to visit, while I'm naked under a gown, anxious, and feeling horrible. That whole time, my BP was great but Dr. Welsch decided to admit me overnight and let me know something in the morning. I can actually say though, that the rooms are pretty nice at Jackson General. It was huge for a hospital room. Luckily, they didn't hook me back up to all the monitors. They just came in every 2 or 3 hours and checked my BP and did some blood work. I slept about 3 hours but was wide awake at about 3 this morning. Poor Ty had to sleep on the little couch they have in the rooms. But atleast he did sleep. He said he just woke up the times they came in and fell back asleep. I finally heard from the doctor at about 11 am. She said since my BP was so good while I was there and my bloodwork looked fine, they'd send me home. To be honest, I was extremely upset. I never thought I'd be the pregnant woman to cry to the doctor about wanting to get the baby out. But, I was! Not to mention, they had me lay on my left side the entire time I was there. Of course, my blood pressure is going to be good laying like that! At home, I can't lay down at all due to all the pain and shortness of breath, so my blood pressure has of course, gone back up since I've been home.
I know I only have about 4 days left until he's here but I'm just really anxious and moody. We've had a few people call non-stop, asking if Barrett's coming early and all and it irritates me more than anything. There's no doubt I want him to be here more than anyone on this planet so hearing someone else gripe that he's not here yet just annoys me. I'm just glad that my husband is so supportive and caring and knows how to handle these situations for me. I thank God for him every day! Anyways, I go back to Dr. Welsch tomorrow to discuss what will happen Monday and all that good stuff. I can't wait until then! I get to meet my baby boy and hopefully get to feeling a little better!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
9 days to go!
I can't believe that Barrett will be here in 9 days! I had my normal weekly doctor's visit last Monday and my blood pressure was up so he wanted me to come back Wednesday. I returned Wednesday and it was higher than before. So, considering my blood pressure, some protein in my urine, how big Barrett's measuring, and a few other things, we've decided it's best we go ahead and deliver on November 22nd. I'll be exactly 39 weeks that day. I'm starting to get a little stressed about it but very excited to meet Barrett and not be pregnant anymore. It's all just a little surreal. I stayed home from work yesterday to relax and get some of my swelling down but I got bored after a little while and ended up cleaning the house. I have definitely paid for it too, since then. The pain is just unbelieveable at this point. It feels like all of my bones from the waist down are broken and the pressure is killer. I've had a few contractions the past couple days but they're irregular and don't last very long which means nothing as far as going into labor goes. I wouldn't mind going into labor before the 22nd but I kind of want to wait until then so that I get Dr. Welsch, as planned. I've worried the whole pregnancy about what doctor would be on call when I go into labor but since mine is scheduled, I know it'll be Dr. Welsch, unless I were to go before then.
As far as work goes, I think I'm done for the most part. I may go in for an hour or so a couple more times but nothing scheduled. I plan on just going in, doing what I have to do, then leaving. Of course, it's mainly because I just don't feel good but I also need to watch my blood pressure and swelling. On a side note, I found Barrett a Thanksgiving outfit last night! I've seen them at Kohls for months now but wasn't sure that he'd be here in time. But now that I know for sure he'll be here, I went ahead and got it. I can't wait to see him in it. It will be nice to get Thanksgiving meals brought to us this year! I can't help but wonder all the time what he's going to look like. He had quite a bit of hair at our last ultrasound. You could actually see each hair this time. Before, we've seen shadows and wondered if it was hair but it was easily seen this time. It seems he has alot more on the back of his head than the top but we'll see! That's exactly how I was as a baby.
I guess I get to spend the next hour cleaning my bathroom. I know I probably shouldn't but SOMEBODY's got to do it! I'll update probably one more time before Barrett gets here. Have a good week!
As far as work goes, I think I'm done for the most part. I may go in for an hour or so a couple more times but nothing scheduled. I plan on just going in, doing what I have to do, then leaving. Of course, it's mainly because I just don't feel good but I also need to watch my blood pressure and swelling. On a side note, I found Barrett a Thanksgiving outfit last night! I've seen them at Kohls for months now but wasn't sure that he'd be here in time. But now that I know for sure he'll be here, I went ahead and got it. I can't wait to see him in it. It will be nice to get Thanksgiving meals brought to us this year! I can't help but wonder all the time what he's going to look like. He had quite a bit of hair at our last ultrasound. You could actually see each hair this time. Before, we've seen shadows and wondered if it was hair but it was easily seen this time. It seems he has alot more on the back of his head than the top but we'll see! That's exactly how I was as a baby.
I guess I get to spend the next hour cleaning my bathroom. I know I probably shouldn't but SOMEBODY's got to do it! I'll update probably one more time before Barrett gets here. Have a good week!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Barrett is full term!
I'm 37 weeks exactly today so I'm now technically full term. I had a great doctor's visit! My stomach is measuring 41 weeks so they wanted another ultrasound. Barrett's measuring 2 weeks ahead still, at 39 weeks and looked great! He's estimated at weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces right now. We were able to see some hair on his head, which was neat. He was facing my back so we weren't able to get any cute pictures of his face. My blood pressure was a little high so I have to go back Wednesday and re-check it to make sure I'm not developing some preeclampsia. I gained ANOTHER 5 pounds in the last week and am swelling horribly. My appetite has significantly decreased though, so we're pretty sure it's just fluid that's causing the weight gain. The picture below is from today. It seems like my belly is just dropping for the most part, comparing it to my 35 week picture. It definitely feels like it. It hurts to do anything at this point! As far as work goes, I'm still going. Luckily though, I'm able to come and go as I want. On a side note, tomorrow is my birthday! I couldn't have asked for a better (belated) birthday present than Barrett! I'll find out some other stuff on Wednesday as well so I'll update then-hopefully with some good news!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Thank God it's finally November!
I have been waiting for it to be November for about 8 months now! I'm 36 weeks today with only 4 weeks until my due date. Hallelujah! I've really noticed some changes in the past week or two. Being pregnant can do some REALLY weird stuff to your body. It's like I wake up with something new every morning. My teeth are sooo sensitive now, out of nowhere and I've been told it's because I'm pregnant...weird. My fingers, toes, ankles, and wrists are trying to freeze up on me lately. I can't grasp things very well anymore without it hurting. Supposedly, that's due to swelling and the hormone that causes my joints, etc. to loosen up...fabulous. I've also had some tingling in my face and scalp that is SO annoying. However, I went to the doctor today and I was reassured that all of this is normal. I was shocked to see I've gained 5 pounds in the past week and my feet and hands are starting to swell which is pretty painful. The doctor said I was definitely retaining some fluid which explained my weight gain too. She said there was no way I could eat enough to gain that much weight in 1 week, which I figured because I'm not eating any more/different than I have been. I was told to avoid salt to help the swelling and we'd just watch to make sure my blood pressure doesn't decide to skyrocket or protein doesn't show up in my urine, which are signs of pre-eclampsia. I was also glad to hear my Group B Strep test was negative which means I don't have to take antibiotics during labor. It wouldn't be a big deal if I did have to take them but I'd rather not in case they made me feel bad.
Right now, I'm just counting the days. Next Monday, I'll be considered full term which means the baby is fully developed and would be expected to be perfectly fine if delivered at that point. They pretty much just gain weight and mature more after 37 weeks. I asked the doctor how far past my due date they'd let me go and she told me that typically, they won't let you go over 10 days past due. However, if I look ready (I don't think I'll go into detail with what that means ;)), but haven't dilated, they'll induce as soon as a day past my due date. They said it's just easier on me and the baby if I "appear" ready but just need help dilating. I was glad to hear they don't make you wait 2 weeks after your due date nowadays. That seems like forever away! But, I'm hoping that Barrett will at least be here by his due date. Hey, a girl can hope, right?! Realistically, I'm trying not to get my hopes up either way though.
Hopefully if any of you run into me out somewhere, I'm not rude. I've caught myself getting irritated easily these days and I totally don't mean to be like that. It has been nice though, being honest with CERTAIN people about how I feel and having no shame or bad feelings about doing so. In other words, sorry in advance if I act like a you-know-what. I'm putting forth every effort to be as nice as I can. Honestly, I'm usually only rude to people that deserve it anyways and had it coming for a long time ;). Anyways, I'll be back at the doctor on Monday, so I'll update then. Have a great week!
Right now, I'm just counting the days. Next Monday, I'll be considered full term which means the baby is fully developed and would be expected to be perfectly fine if delivered at that point. They pretty much just gain weight and mature more after 37 weeks. I asked the doctor how far past my due date they'd let me go and she told me that typically, they won't let you go over 10 days past due. However, if I look ready (I don't think I'll go into detail with what that means ;)), but haven't dilated, they'll induce as soon as a day past my due date. They said it's just easier on me and the baby if I "appear" ready but just need help dilating. I was glad to hear they don't make you wait 2 weeks after your due date nowadays. That seems like forever away! But, I'm hoping that Barrett will at least be here by his due date. Hey, a girl can hope, right?! Realistically, I'm trying not to get my hopes up either way though.
Hopefully if any of you run into me out somewhere, I'm not rude. I've caught myself getting irritated easily these days and I totally don't mean to be like that. It has been nice though, being honest with CERTAIN people about how I feel and having no shame or bad feelings about doing so. In other words, sorry in advance if I act like a you-know-what. I'm putting forth every effort to be as nice as I can. Honestly, I'm usually only rude to people that deserve it anyways and had it coming for a long time ;). Anyways, I'll be back at the doctor on Monday, so I'll update then. Have a great week!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Stick a fork in me...I'm done.
I'm 35 weeks today with only 35 days to go. I feel a little more at ease since I'm done with all of the preparing. I packed our hospital bags last night and put the car seat in the trunk. I doubt I'll actually strap in the car seat until we're at the hospital. I just don't want to look like a weirdo riding around with an empty car seat for possibly 5 more weeks! I went to the doctor today and everything is still going great and as planned. I got my Group B Strep test today and will find out if I'm a carrier at my visit next Monday. I only gained 2.5 pounds in 2 weeks this time, so I'm kinda proud of myself. Ha ha. They expect a gain of a pound a week at this stage so I'm pleased with 1.25 lbs a week. I can always lose the weight after Barrett's here anyways.
Sleep is still non-existent and I'm up odd hours at night. So in other words, if you see me on Facebook or something at 4 am, no, I'm not on drugs...ha ha. I would be able to sleep if it weren't for the pain in my hips and back. I always end up on the couch with ice packs and Tylenol for a few hours and then I try to go back to bed. But the problem with that is, I get hungry while I'm up which leads to heartburn when I lay down. Oh the joys!
So, Halloween is coming up and I've decided I'll just dress up as a pregnant woman. I had considered a real costume but at this point, dressing up isn't so much of a priority. We're still celebrating the occasion though since Ty's still allowed to drink! Oh well, I'll have me a good glass of wine after Barrett's here! I can't wait either... For now, I'm trying to get some stuff wrapped up at work, since I doubt anyone will find the time to do it after I take leave. I kind of do everyone else's crap-work. I also deal with getting proper documentation for Medicare approvals which is a pain but someone's got to do it. I have to strongly force myself to come into work now. I REALLY want to take maternity leave but I don't want to get bored. With all of the baby stuff going on, I totally forgot that my birthday is coming up in 2 weeks. I'm thankful to have had another year on this earth and to have had all these blessings come my way in that time frame. As a side note, my mom did great with her back surgery. We're all very pleased at how well she's done this time around and are very thankful.
So, Halloween is coming up and I've decided I'll just dress up as a pregnant woman. I had considered a real costume but at this point, dressing up isn't so much of a priority. We're still celebrating the occasion though since Ty's still allowed to drink! Oh well, I'll have me a good glass of wine after Barrett's here! I can't wait either... For now, I'm trying to get some stuff wrapped up at work, since I doubt anyone will find the time to do it after I take leave. I kind of do everyone else's crap-work. I also deal with getting proper documentation for Medicare approvals which is a pain but someone's got to do it. I have to strongly force myself to come into work now. I REALLY want to take maternity leave but I don't want to get bored. With all of the baby stuff going on, I totally forgot that my birthday is coming up in 2 weeks. I'm thankful to have had another year on this earth and to have had all these blessings come my way in that time frame. As a side note, my mom did great with her back surgery. We're all very pleased at how well she's done this time around and are very thankful.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm 34 weeks 1 day with only 41 days to go. I woke up yesterday and have felt totally different than previously. It honestly feels like Barrett's just going to fall out which leads me to walking like a weirdo sometimes. Not to mention, the pain in my hips and back has gotten really intense since yesterday. Sleep is completely lacking and the nausea has set in really good again. I know that these extra 32 pounds aren't helping! On the positive side, Barrett's movements make me happy and knowing that his birth is just a few weeks away makes me feel much better!
I had my last baby shower this past Sunday and I can finally say that Barrett has everything he needs and pretty much all is ready for his arrival. Special thanks to all of my 13 hostesses (between 3 showers) and fab friends and family that came or sent gifts! I can't believe how sweet and caring some people can be! I'm just really glad that I've done all this stuff early. So many people suggest that there's no point in doing everything early but I can't imagine working on his room right now. I need to pack our hospital bags at some point in the next few weeks but I've just been too tired to even mess with it. I had my last prenatal massage last week and have my last chiropractor appointment this afternoon. As far as the chiropractor goes, he prefers not to work on pregnant women this close to labor, so we aren't going to keep scheduled appointments anymore. However, he said if I was having intense problems, he'd work on me. To be honest though, it's getting uncomfortable for me to get on the table and get treatments anyways.
While I was putting up all of the gifts from the shower Sunday, I just kept thinking about how shocked I was that I'm going to have a baby in a few weeks. Women have babies at this stage all the time so it's getting more real by the day. For now, I'm trying to finish up Christmas shopping. If I'm having a hard time going to the grocery now, I know I won't be doing any Christmas shopping in a couple of weeks. My goal to be done is November 1st! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
I had my last baby shower this past Sunday and I can finally say that Barrett has everything he needs and pretty much all is ready for his arrival. Special thanks to all of my 13 hostesses (between 3 showers) and fab friends and family that came or sent gifts! I can't believe how sweet and caring some people can be! I'm just really glad that I've done all this stuff early. So many people suggest that there's no point in doing everything early but I can't imagine working on his room right now. I need to pack our hospital bags at some point in the next few weeks but I've just been too tired to even mess with it. I had my last prenatal massage last week and have my last chiropractor appointment this afternoon. As far as the chiropractor goes, he prefers not to work on pregnant women this close to labor, so we aren't going to keep scheduled appointments anymore. However, he said if I was having intense problems, he'd work on me. To be honest though, it's getting uncomfortable for me to get on the table and get treatments anyways.
While I was putting up all of the gifts from the shower Sunday, I just kept thinking about how shocked I was that I'm going to have a baby in a few weeks. Women have babies at this stage all the time so it's getting more real by the day. For now, I'm trying to finish up Christmas shopping. If I'm having a hard time going to the grocery now, I know I won't be doing any Christmas shopping in a couple of weeks. My goal to be done is November 1st! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Chubby cheeks!
I had my ultrasound today and all was great! Barrett's so big, it was hard to get a good picture of him but you can see above, he's got some chubby cheeks already! I'm 33 weeks exactly today and Barrett measured exactly 35 weeks, so he's 2 weeks ahead. They estimated him weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces, which hopefully is a little on the high end, since they supposedly gain about half a pound a week from here on out. That would mean he'd be about 9.5 pounds by 40 weeks. All of his measurements put him in the 69th percentile, which is great news! I had to get the flu shot again today. I got the H1N1 vaccine back in April but it didn't include the basic flu shot. Well now, they have them together so I got the H1N1 and the flu shot today. I remember last time, I felt like crap after getting the vaccine, so I plan on doing absolutely nothing tonight.
I had my second baby shower yesterday, which was hostessed by my stepdad's sisters and sister-in-laws and Ty's aunt. Everything turned out great and was so cute! I got a ton of gifts which of course, I had to have organized and put up by the time I went to bed last night ;). I have my third and last shower this coming Sunday and can't wait! Ty's mom's friends are hostessing this one so I'm sure it'll be cute. I'm just so lucky and grateful to have so many people willing to have these showers for me. I noticed last night, that Lilly (our dog) is finally realizing that something is going on. She had been in Barrett's room with me, watching intensely, as I put up all of his stuff. I couldn't find her and finally heard her under his crib. I don't know how she even fit under it because it's about half as tall as she is. She also thinks that all of the stuffed animals are for her. She gets this sad look on her face when I put them away and don't let her have them. I need to go out and get her a couple of new toys to make her feel better ;).
For now, I'm just feeling like poo. My hips, back, and feet hurt so bad. I don't sleep but about 2-3 hours a night. The heartburn and headaches are so annoying. I'm just overwhelmed and excited at the same time. I know this is all for Barrett though, so it's alright and I'll cope. I just can't wait to meet and hold him! I would love to go ahead and take maternity leave but I know time will just creep by so I'm still working for now.
My mom's having back surgery on Wednesday, so we're praying everything goes smoothly with it! She'll have about a 4 week recovery so it'll be just in time for Barrett's arrival. I hope everyone has a great week!
I had my second baby shower yesterday, which was hostessed by my stepdad's sisters and sister-in-laws and Ty's aunt. Everything turned out great and was so cute! I got a ton of gifts which of course, I had to have organized and put up by the time I went to bed last night ;). I have my third and last shower this coming Sunday and can't wait! Ty's mom's friends are hostessing this one so I'm sure it'll be cute. I'm just so lucky and grateful to have so many people willing to have these showers for me. I noticed last night, that Lilly (our dog) is finally realizing that something is going on. She had been in Barrett's room with me, watching intensely, as I put up all of his stuff. I couldn't find her and finally heard her under his crib. I don't know how she even fit under it because it's about half as tall as she is. She also thinks that all of the stuffed animals are for her. She gets this sad look on her face when I put them away and don't let her have them. I need to go out and get her a couple of new toys to make her feel better ;).
For now, I'm just feeling like poo. My hips, back, and feet hurt so bad. I don't sleep but about 2-3 hours a night. The heartburn and headaches are so annoying. I'm just overwhelmed and excited at the same time. I know this is all for Barrett though, so it's alright and I'll cope. I just can't wait to meet and hold him! I would love to go ahead and take maternity leave but I know time will just creep by so I'm still working for now.
My mom's having back surgery on Wednesday, so we're praying everything goes smoothly with it! She'll have about a 4 week recovery so it'll be just in time for Barrett's arrival. I hope everyone has a great week!
Monday, October 4, 2010
And the anxiety kicks in...
I'm 32 weeks today so only about 8 weeks to go! To the right is a picture of my giant-self today. I can't wait for my ultrasound next Monday and see how this boy is measuring. Not to mention, I get to see his sweet face again! I have my 2nd baby shower this coming Sunday and another one the next Sunday. I can't wait! We have an Infant Class Wednesday night. I think it just teaches the basics like how to take care of the umbilical cord and all of that fun stuff. I'm hoping they cover some of the really basic stuff like changing diapers and feeding, since Ty has never changed a diaper nor fed a baby. Luckily, between my 3 nephews, I've had quite a bit of experience with that stuff but it won't hurt to go over it again.
At this point, I'm just excited to meet Barrett but along with the excitement comes alot of anxiety. I mean, it's not just having a baby, it's a life that I'm responsible for for a very long time to come. I've had panic attacks for the past 3 years and it's hard for me to deal with them without my medicine. I've done pretty well since getting pregnant but now they're back with a vengeance and get worse, the closer I get to my due date. I have such a huge respect for people that have ever had mental disorders/problems. I don't think anyone will understand until they've suffered from one themselves. I've had people tell me for so long to think this way or tell myself this and unfortunately, mental problems don't work that way. I thank God for medications that have been invented to help with these problems. However, they can't be taken while pregnant. I guess I'll just have to learn to deal with everything or suffer until I give birth.
I have been obsessive about cleaning my house lately. Me and Ty cleaned the windows yesterday. Of course Ty didn't think they needed cleaning but after seeing the rags I used, he agreed that they needed it! I thought I was done after that but then noticed the garage needed cleaned. So, I organized our storage area where we put cleaners and all kinds of junk. Of course, this led to noticing the garage floor needed scrubbed and cleaned. At that point, Ty determined I was crazy and that it's a garage and supposed to be dirty. In other words, he talked me out of it and it's probably a good thing he did or I'd have lots of back pain today. I think I've just ran out of stuff to clean but I feel like everything has to be perfect before Barrett's arrival. I'm even scared to let someone else clean my house because I'm worried they won't do it like I like it! However, next time the house needs cleaned, I'm going to HAVE to get someone else to do it.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
60 days!
60 days...that's how long I have until my due date...not like I'm counting or anything! I can't believe it's that close to being here! I had a great doctor's visit this morning. Barrett's heartbeat was 150 bpm and my blood pressure was excellent at 120/70. At my last visit, it was high so I was thrilled to hear it was normal today. I also learned that I get another ultrasound next Monday, Oct. 11th! My stomach is measuring larger than normal so the doctor said he just wants to make sure Barrett hasn't had a huge growth spurt or something. At my 8 week ultrasound, he measured 6 days ahead of what his 6 week scan measured and at 18 weeks, he measured 5 days ahead. But, my doctor doesn't change the due date unless Barrett was measuring over 2 weeks difference. Therefore, the due date will stay at November 29 unless this next ultrasound shows him measuring atleast 2 weeks difference (from what I understand). I can't wait to see his sweet face again!
I'm starting to get really irritated at how rude some people can be. Saying I have a big belly is perfectly fine with me...because it is. BUT, saying that I'm huge in general, is just tacky. I've noticed it's always people that have no room to talk either but I'll try to be the bigger person and not tell them their faults ;). I've even had a couple of people comment on how big I am and go on to ask how much I've gained. I think being pregnant must attract idiots. However, I'm always glad to tell them I've gained 30 pounds. I mean, I'm pregnant for goodness sake. Aren't you expected to gain weight and have a big belly while you're pregnant? If my doctor doesn't say anything about my weight gain, then no one else should. In the end, I'll be the one who has to work it off.
Barrett has by far had his most active days yesterday and today. I made chocolate covered bananas last night and had one and after that, he moved more than ever before! I laughed at first and thought, "how sweet" and then of course it worried me. Haha. I am a worry-wart anyways. It was almost like he was trying to escape. His arms, legs, and butt were everywhere for a solid 10 minutes! Supposedly, babies peak in movement around this time so I'm guessing this is his peak. I've been told that around 35ish weeks, they may slow down because they're so big, they have no room to move. I know I'll miss his feet in my ribs when he slows down, as odd as that sounds.
We got to walk throught the Labor & Delivery part of the hospital Tuesday night, which was our last Childbirth class. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it definitely doesn't look like fun. They've done quite a bit of updating since my sister had her last baby there almost 6 years ago. Unfortunatley, the fake pregnant belly that Ty was going to get to wear at the last class, had a hole in it. So, he didn't get the joy of trying it on. I would love for him to know how it feels to be pregnant...haha. I don't know if I went through some early nesting or what, this past week. I cleaned my house from top to bottom including steamcleaning my carpet. I have also washed all of Barrett's stuff and put together all of his big items. I'm a little OCD with stuff anyways but I've had a huge desire to get everything done lately. I guess that's a good thing though-to get it done now rather than later. When I cleaned my house Tuesday, it was pretty difficult. Little things like bending over to clean the bathrub and getting up high enough to clean mirrors were tough. That "may" have been the last time I deep-clean my house, if I can find a good cleaning person. My hips and back have paid for it the past few days. I will update again later!
I'm starting to get really irritated at how rude some people can be. Saying I have a big belly is perfectly fine with me...because it is. BUT, saying that I'm huge in general, is just tacky. I've noticed it's always people that have no room to talk either but I'll try to be the bigger person and not tell them their faults ;). I've even had a couple of people comment on how big I am and go on to ask how much I've gained. I think being pregnant must attract idiots. However, I'm always glad to tell them I've gained 30 pounds. I mean, I'm pregnant for goodness sake. Aren't you expected to gain weight and have a big belly while you're pregnant? If my doctor doesn't say anything about my weight gain, then no one else should. In the end, I'll be the one who has to work it off.
Barrett has by far had his most active days yesterday and today. I made chocolate covered bananas last night and had one and after that, he moved more than ever before! I laughed at first and thought, "how sweet" and then of course it worried me. Haha. I am a worry-wart anyways. It was almost like he was trying to escape. His arms, legs, and butt were everywhere for a solid 10 minutes! Supposedly, babies peak in movement around this time so I'm guessing this is his peak. I've been told that around 35ish weeks, they may slow down because they're so big, they have no room to move. I know I'll miss his feet in my ribs when he slows down, as odd as that sounds.
We got to walk throught the Labor & Delivery part of the hospital Tuesday night, which was our last Childbirth class. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it definitely doesn't look like fun. They've done quite a bit of updating since my sister had her last baby there almost 6 years ago. Unfortunatley, the fake pregnant belly that Ty was going to get to wear at the last class, had a hole in it. So, he didn't get the joy of trying it on. I would love for him to know how it feels to be pregnant...haha. I don't know if I went through some early nesting or what, this past week. I cleaned my house from top to bottom including steamcleaning my carpet. I have also washed all of Barrett's stuff and put together all of his big items. I'm a little OCD with stuff anyways but I've had a huge desire to get everything done lately. I guess that's a good thing though-to get it done now rather than later. When I cleaned my house Tuesday, it was pretty difficult. Little things like bending over to clean the bathrub and getting up high enough to clean mirrors were tough. That "may" have been the last time I deep-clean my house, if I can find a good cleaning person. My hips and back have paid for it the past few days. I will update again later!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
9 weeks to go!
It's been a fabulous and busy weekend! I had my first baby shower that was hostessed by my 2 sisters and best friend. It turned out so much better than I could have imagined and I know it took a lot of work from the girls, which I am so thankful for! I appreciate all 3 of them so much as well as all of the guests that showed up! We got so many things for Barrett including his bouncy seat, monitor, high chair, bathtub, pack n' play, rocker/sleeper, darling clothes, lots of personalized stuff, and the daily essentials. We bought one of the car seats ourselves, only because Babies R' Us won't be carrying it much longer and I was just in love with it! We still need Ty's car seat, the stroller, exersaucer, and swing, as far as big stuff goes. We still need a lot of stuff like diapers, wipes, clothes, and all of the other little stuff, as I know you can't really get enough of those. I have 2 more showers in the next 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to those too! I'm very lucky to have so many people that have offered to hostess baby showers.
I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow, which means only 9 more weeks til my due date. I'll technically be considered full term on Nov. 8th, which is a day before my birthday! They still want him to bake until 40 weeks (Nov. 29) but if he were to come at 37 weeks (Nov. 8), he would be fine! I've gone ahead and told myself to count on him being late so that maybe I won't be crushed when he doesn't come early. I know anything can happen and due dates are merely estimates. We have our last childbirth class this Tuesday night. That's one more thing to cross off my list. We'll have 1 infant class the following week but it's just a one-time thing, thank goodness. I'll admit, last week's childbirth class freaked me out a little bit. I normally don't mind looking at surgical utensils, etc. but now that I'm getting closer to "the day" I'm a little panicky. The teacher brought quite a few utensils including the epidural, different monitors, forceps, and some other stuff. Everything kind of reminded me of torture devices...haha. I'd almost rather just show up the day of delivery and not know what I'm walking into. We'll just pray for the best!
I get asked about 10 times a day how I feel and honestly, I feel like I've been ran over. Of course, I try and just say I'm fine to everyone because really, no one wants to hear someone else's problems, as we all have problems from time to time. I made a special visit to the doctor last week because I was scared I was having contractions for about 30 minutes one day. The doc said I'm not dilated and everything was fine so we're guessing maybe some false contractions (braxton hicks) which supposedly are "practice" contractions for later on. That's great...just what I wanted ;). Luckily, it hasn't happened since. I did learn something else that day though, that didn't make me too happy. My blood pressure was 140/86 which isn't great. They checked it again before I left and said it went down so for now, I'm fine. It seems like it's gotten higher and higher each visit I've been to so it worries me that I'll end up being diagnosed with high blood pressure. I can't imagine being on bed rest. I think I'd drive myself insane! Luckily though, no other signs of preeclampsia so that's good. I've had a very long week and weekend so I think I'm fixing to get in the bed while I have the chance. Yes, it's only 5:15 pm but sleeping at night is rare these days ;). Everyone have a great week!
I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow, which means only 9 more weeks til my due date. I'll technically be considered full term on Nov. 8th, which is a day before my birthday! They still want him to bake until 40 weeks (Nov. 29) but if he were to come at 37 weeks (Nov. 8), he would be fine! I've gone ahead and told myself to count on him being late so that maybe I won't be crushed when he doesn't come early. I know anything can happen and due dates are merely estimates. We have our last childbirth class this Tuesday night. That's one more thing to cross off my list. We'll have 1 infant class the following week but it's just a one-time thing, thank goodness. I'll admit, last week's childbirth class freaked me out a little bit. I normally don't mind looking at surgical utensils, etc. but now that I'm getting closer to "the day" I'm a little panicky. The teacher brought quite a few utensils including the epidural, different monitors, forceps, and some other stuff. Everything kind of reminded me of torture devices...haha. I'd almost rather just show up the day of delivery and not know what I'm walking into. We'll just pray for the best!
I get asked about 10 times a day how I feel and honestly, I feel like I've been ran over. Of course, I try and just say I'm fine to everyone because really, no one wants to hear someone else's problems, as we all have problems from time to time. I made a special visit to the doctor last week because I was scared I was having contractions for about 30 minutes one day. The doc said I'm not dilated and everything was fine so we're guessing maybe some false contractions (braxton hicks) which supposedly are "practice" contractions for later on. That's great...just what I wanted ;). Luckily, it hasn't happened since. I did learn something else that day though, that didn't make me too happy. My blood pressure was 140/86 which isn't great. They checked it again before I left and said it went down so for now, I'm fine. It seems like it's gotten higher and higher each visit I've been to so it worries me that I'll end up being diagnosed with high blood pressure. I can't imagine being on bed rest. I think I'd drive myself insane! Luckily though, no other signs of preeclampsia so that's good. I've had a very long week and weekend so I think I'm fixing to get in the bed while I have the chance. Yes, it's only 5:15 pm but sleeping at night is rare these days ;). Everyone have a great week!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pregnancy is hard on a girl
I'm becoming aware of how tough these next 10 weeks are going to be. I wake up with back pain. I go to sleep with back pain and I'm sure it will only get worse. It's so constant, that I feel like I'm going to vomit alot of the time. I'm going to continue seeing my chiropractor and getting massages but I think I'm just at a point where neither is going to help completely. I started walking this week, thinking it may help but I feel like it may have made it worse. I might just tough it out for another week and see if in the long run, it does help. The first night we walked, I realized I needed new tennis shoes so we made a visit to Hibbett last night. To my surprise, I have grown a size and a half in shoes, since I've gotten pregnant! I also learned I can't tie my shoes normally anymore. I can struggle and get them tied on the side of the shoe though. I noticed this morning that my entire lower stomach has been taken over by stretch marks. I've been using alot of lotion and hoped maybe the stretchmarks would stay away. I got some cocoa butter (which smells horribly) to see if I can prevent more from showing up. However, from what I understand, stretchmarks are in certain people's genes and there's not a whole lot you can do to prevent them.
My maternity picture plans have changed. I've found a new photographer and am scheduled for September 23rd to get them done. I've got to go to Memphis Saturday to see if I can find a really cute outfit for me and something for Ty too. Most of what I wear now would be fine but I want something extra-special. We have our second childbirth class tonight, which I kind of look forward to. I'm sooo excited about my baby shower on the 25th! I got my own invitation (above) to it last weekend and it couldn't be any cuter! Knowing all of my hostesses very well, I know everything will be adorable.
I'm growing out of clothes by the month, if not by the week. There's no telling how much money I've spent just on maternity clothes. I just made a huge order at Motherhood and am waiting on it to come in so maybe I don't look like I'm trying to fit into too-small clothes. Atleast I'll have plenty clothes if I decide to have another baby! I've always wanted to have 3 kids. However, now that I've been pregnant, I'm not sure I want to go through this again. Don't get me wrong, it's by far worth it, to have my own biological child. But, the last 7.5 months have been tough. Mainly, I want Barrett to have a sibling. I grew up with 2 sisters and can't imagine what life would be like without them. At the same time, Ty grew up an only child and said he never knew the difference. We've actually mentioned adopting further down the road. This is nothing set in stone though. There are just so many children out there that deserve so much better. I would definitely want a newborn if it was possible. Right now, I go back and forth on the subject but it will give me plenty of time to think about it before we decide what we want to do.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Yes, I still have 2.5 months left before I'm due

I went for my glucose test Wednesday morning and thank the Lord, I passed! The drink tasted like a Sunkist drink and was actually good. However, I did break out in a sweat for about thirty minutes after drinking it. I guess the sugar overload so early in the morning didn't set well with me. I've heard so many dreadful things about getting the sugar test done but it was no big deal. My doctor said he felt like Barrett was head down that day. His heartbeat was 145 beats per minute and everything was fine. I'll see the doctor again in 3 weeks, when I'll be 31 weeks along. After my doctor's visit, we went to Memphis to get a 4D ultrasound and it was awesome! They confirmed that Barrett was head down at the time. Of course, he can still flip and flop around in there but it's a good sign that he isn't just sticking with the breach position. The ultrasound lasted about 25 minutes and it was amazing to see how he'd grown. We got to see him smile, frown, open his eyes, and suck his thumb. I'm definitely not a mushy-type person but this is by far, the most amazing thing ever. It blows my mind how everything just knows what to do. Like the sperm met the egg and everything "just happened". I don't have to push a button to tell Barrett to grow ears, etc. Ha ha. It's just mind-boggling.
They don't do measurements at the ultrasound clinic I went to because it was just an elective visit and not medically necessary. So, who knows how he's measuring right now. I've had a lot of people ask if my due date has changed and I always have to tell them my doctor doesn't do due date changes unless there was over a 3 week difference. Barrett's measured a week ahead of his due date at my last 2 ultrasounds but the doctor said that the first one I had at 6 weeks is the most accurate. After they hit about 12 weeks, they can have growth spurts, etc. and may lead to different measurements but I should stick with the initial due date of November 29th. I try to remind myself anyways, that he'll come when he's ready. He may show up on November 20th and he may show up on December 8th...who knows, so really the due date doesn't matter anyways.
Speaking of measurements, I've had a lot of people comment on how big my belly is. I had a lady at Macy's yesterday, tell me I looked like I was about to pop. When I told her I had 2.5 months left, she acted like I'd slapped her. This led to another lady coming up and clarifying what I had said. I was then asked if it was twins. There was another pregnant girl shopping and she said she was being induced today and oddly enough, I think my stomach was larger than her's. I went to the hospital after work yesterday, to pre-register so I won't have to mess with all the paperwork when I go into labor. I asked an employee where Admissions was (where I was supposed to go) and you could tell she thought I was there to actually HAVE the baby. I had already said I was there to pre-register or "stork" and she kept asking how far I was and you could tell she wanted to have me go to Labor and Delivery. Once she accepted that I was only 28 weeks, I continued to Admissions. The worker that pre-registered me commented that based on my belly, she didn't think I'd make it to November 29th (she was only kidding). I guess it IS larger than some women's bellies at this point. However, I'm so short that Barrett has nowhere else to go, but out. I get a lot of "I'll pray for you" and "Oh bless your heart" lately. Shoot, I'm just glad it's not a sauna outside anymore.
I have my first baby shower on September 25th. I've got my second one scheduled for October 17th. Once November gets here, it's pretty much free-sailing. No plans for that month since I'm sure a lot of my time will be spent washing baby clothes and getting ready for Barrett to show up. I've got quite a few family birthdays in November, including my own, so I'll be busy enough with those that I won't have time for anything else. Right now, I'm just busy gaining weight like it's going out of style. I'm up 25 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight...oops! I had hoped since I lost weight in the beginning and didn't start gaining until 16 weeks, I wouldn't gain a lot. Oh well, normal weight gain for 28 weeks is between 17 and 24 pounds. Me and baby are both happy and healthy so I'm content. I hope everyone has a great week!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Moving along

The other problem is that I slept by myself, for the first time in a while, last night. No, me and Ty aren't having problems and are doing great, haha. I do fine falling asleep in our normal bed but I wake up every hour or less, with Ty's knees in my back or stomach. I've just gotten too big to feel comfortable in a queen bed with another body. So, I slept in the guest bed last night, which I can say is pretty comfy, and I slept a little better. I still have a ton of hip and back pain, especially while sleeping, but sleeping by myself helped. I'll probably try to alternate beds so that I can at least get 3/4 nights of decent sleep a week. I can't sleep without Ty EVERY night of the week. It just doesn't feel right.
I'm considering getting an elective 4d ultrasound in Memphis in the next week or so. It's pretty neat and fairly inexpensive so I figured why not. They record the entire ultrasound so you can take home a DVD of it. I would love to see him again, since he's filled out some since the last time I saw him, 10 weeks ago. I'm still supposed to get a 34 week scan but it's not set in stone. Even if I did get one done now, it will be another 6 weeks or so before I'm 34 weeks. I'm waiting on Wednesday to get here, so I can get the glucose test over with. It's just one more thing to knock off my list. We have our first childbirth class Tuesday and Ty is so eager to go! And yes...I am being sarcastic. He's not looking forward to it, to say the least. At least he'll have a few other guys in there with him and not feel like a TOTAL outcast. For now, I'm just watching my belly grow and feeling Barrett roll and move around alot more. He still kicks and punches alot but I've gotten to where I can feel and see his butt or head poking out sometimes. It's pretty neat and I look forward to more of it!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
On the downward slope!
I had a great visit with the doctor this morning! I'm 26 weeks 2 days today which means in a few more days I'll technically be in the third trimester! It's a good feeling knowing there's only about 3 months before I can be meet this little boy and start to feel somewhat physically back to normal. His heartbeat was 150 bpm, which is great! I get my sugar test in 2 weeks, which I pray I pass! The doctor said that he feels like Barrett's still breach but he's still got a few weeks to flip and hopefully he'll do so. We're still planning on an ultrasound around 34 weeks and I can't wait. We've got our first childbirth class on September 7th, my first shower on September 25th, and maternity pictures planned for September 27th. For the past 26 weeks, it's kind of been a waiting game. Now, atleast I feel like I'm on a downward slope and I'm getting excited. I've started seeing the chiropractor more often and I'm getting prenatal massages and both have helped my back pain significantly. At home, I wear a bulky maternity belt and contrary to it's looks, it helps a little by holding up my growing belly. I've had alot of pelvic pain but the doctor assures me that it's my 2 hernias I had repaired a month before I got pregnant. Unfortunately, I've been told it may get worse the larger I get but I know it will pass once I have Barrett. Overall, I'm very
pleased with the way things are going!
On a side note, I got to see my grandparents last weekend, for the first time since I got pregnant. Upon leaving, my grandmom told me to "take care of my round self". Haha. Bless her heart. I guess I am getting pretty round these days. This is also from the grandmother that has spray-painted her dog's crate blue and put flower stickers on it. She's one snazzy lady! I'm lucky to still have one set of grandparents still alive and around. I have lost 3 sets of grandparents in the past 10 years and it's unfortunate they won't get to meet Barrett. Ty has 2 sets of grandparents still around, which leaves Barrett with 3 sets of great-grandparents to be spoiled by. He is going to be one loved little boy!
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do as far as my maternity leave goes. I plan on working until I go into labor but not sure I'll make it that long. I'm not the type of person that can sit home and relax all day. It just doesn't feel natural, not to mention it's a little depressing. I'm sure I'll hit that point where I feel so bad, all I want to do is stay home but until that time, I plan on working. After I have Barrett, I plan on staying home for 8 weeks and possibly coming back to work 2 or 3 days a week after that. Ty's mom has mentioned keeping Barrett the days that I work, so I would be so happy if that works out for us. I would do daycare if I had to but luckily, she wants to keep him. Once he reaches a year old or so, I'll probably find a good daycare for him. I think it'll be good to get him in with other children at that age, so he can learn some social skills and make friends. At that point, who knows what my work schedule will be like, but luckily I have a very flexible job where I don't have to make a decision right now.
The whole breastfeeding dilemma is shocking to me. I've chosen not to breastfeed, which has sparked a few interesting conversations with people. It's just not for me...period. Some women drink wine while they're pregnant...some smoke cigarettes while they're pregnant...and I say, to each his own. I haven't drank or smoked but I'm not breastfeeding. I know alot of children and adults that weren't breastfed and are perfectly fine. Some people act like I'm pulling a Michael Jackson stunt, hanging my child off of a balcony, by not breastfeeding. I think it's fantastic if a woman wants to breastfeed her child. I'm definitely not trying to say I don't think that way. I'm just saying that it's not for me. Oh well, I don't know why I let comments like that bother me. I guess because it makes me feel like they're saying I'm a bad mother and I know that's not true.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a good week and I'll update in a few weeks or so!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Oh, mood swings!
First, I would like to thank whoever hit my car in the Target parking lot on Sunday. It was awfully sweet of you to not leave your phone number or anything. Luckily for you, pregnancy + 100 degree weather justify me not walking through the parking lot, looking for the car with green paint on your bumper. I was able to get all of your silver paint off my door but there's still a few scratches. The scratches aren't very noticeable but they weren't there before you hit my car. Oh well, I'm sure someone will do the same to you (and I hope it's soon). :)
On a side note, I'm having some serious mood swings. I go from having a temper tantrum, to a crying fit, and then back to a nice person only for it to happen again. I've always thought that pregnant women made up that part of pregnancy but I can now assure you, they are indeed uncontrollable. Thank the Lord, I have a patient husband that puts up with me! However, I put up with him too! ;) I'm hoping once it gets a little cooler outside, I'll be a little calmer. It seems I'm illest when I have to be outside in the heat for a bit, which of course can't be avoided these days!
Anyways, I'll stop fussing and talk about the good things. I'm 24 weeks today and Barrett's room is pretty much done! I've got some more wall decor coming in and we're going to situate all of it but of course that's not a necessity. He's obviously growing (my belly is getting huge) and moving up a storm. I can't wait to see him again at my next ultrasound in about 10 weeks. I got Barrett a couple of cute monogrammed gowns and diaper cover, one of which is below.
I think it is just adorable and will be good for some newborn pictures. For now, I'm just watching my belly grow and learning all kinds of new things. I'm actually eager to start my childbirth class in September and of course, excited for my showers starting in September as well. I see the doctor again in 2 weeks, so I'll update then!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Progressing Nicely

We finally got the nursery painted and got his furniture and basics in place. I am in love with the way it turned out! I've ordered a couple of things for his walls and still need to get a glider and some kind of rug for his room but I'm just glad I got the basics down. I've scheduled our childbirth classes for the entire month of September. I believe it's 2.5 hours long, one night a week, for 4 weeks. Then we'll have 1 infant class that lasts a couple of hours but only one night in October. I've got a few different showers in the works. As of now, I've got one set for the end of September and am so excited for it! I know my 3 best friends (2 sisters and 1 practically-adopted sister) will do a great job planning it! I see the doctor again in 4 weeks for a checkup. After that, I believe they will have me come every 3 weeks. At the visit after next (in about 7 weeks), I have to take my sugar test. I'm scared to death that I'll fail, only because I've had some odd sugar problems in the past. Occassionally, it would be around 130 after fasting but it wasn't frequent enough to make any diagnoses. At one point, it was 250 but my doctor at the time did a repeat test and I was within normal limits. Just as a comparison, sugar levels after fasting shouldn't be over about 110. At any point in time, the level shouldn't be over 180. I just pray that I can miraculously pass this test! Other than that, things are progressing smoothly and I look forward to seeing this baby again in a few months.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Getting things done!
It's such a relief to mark things off of my to-do list! I've got all of Barrett's furniture and crib bedding. The room is empty and just waiting to be painted and then the furniture will be set up! I am so happy with it all! I got his bassinet, which is just too cute. I registered for a Childbirth class that will last one night a week, for 4 weeks, in September and I've also registered us for an Infant Class that meets once in October. I figure we can use all the help we can get! I've found an excellent photographer that I'm in the process of booking an exact day, to get my maternity pics done. I'm looking at the first week in October and can't wait to get them done! I've registered at Babys R' Us, Target, and Wal-Mart, since I've got quite a few showers lined up. I so wish we had a Babys R' Us here because Wal-Mart is a total joke and Target can't keep baby stuff long enough to keep on a registry. I'll have to go back through all of them in a month or two, since I'm sure some things won't be in stock anymore. As my belly gets bigger, Barrett's movements are getting stronger. Ty thinks he's felt him a couple of times but it's still hard for him to tell the difference in me just breathing and the baby kicking. Speaking of Ty, he'll turn 27 on August 1st! I can't believe we're getting this old! It seems like yesterday, we celebrated our 21st birthdays. He has been so supportive throughout this pregnancy. He doesn't gripe when I want to just sit home or if I have an odd food request. It's crazy how having a baby changes your perspective so much. Some things that I used to think were so important, have now become irrelevant. I go back to the doctor next week and will update again!
Monday, July 12, 2010
20 weeks!
Today marks exactly 20 weeks for me! It's a relief to know I've gotten this far! I spent ALL day Saturday emptying Barrett's room and closet to get ready to decorate. His furniture should be in at Toys R' Us any day now and his bedding will be here by the 14th. I was going to get the bedding custom made but it ended up being more of a hassle than what it was worth. I found an adorable set on Sears' website, believe it or not, and just ordered it. So far, I've bought him about 6 outfits and a brown diaper bag with his name embroidered in green. Some things are just too cute to pass up. I ordered his bassinet Friday, which I cannot wait to see in person! It's kind of old-fashioned looking with a long pleated skirt. The nausea I had in the first trimester is still here but usually only in the mornings. Right now my main problem is sciatica and back pain, acid reflux, headaches, and my sleep pattern is way off. For some reason, I wake up around 3am and stay up for a few hours, then want to sleep til noon. That sleep schedule doesn't work well when I need to be at work the
next morning but luckily, my boss (husband) is pretty understanding and let's me be late quite a bit ;). I had my first "pregnancy brain" moment this weekend while I was getting the washer ready to put in our bed sheets. I started by putting the detergent where fabric softener should go and then proceeded to put the fabric softener where bleach is supposed to go. I stopped by after a little while and realized I never even put the sheets in, which I guess was a good thing since they wouldn't have gotten clean that way anyways. That's when I realized I had started the dryer as well...with nothing in it. I wonder how many other crazy things I've done without realizing! In the next few weeks, I need to schedule my childbirth class. I WILL be getting all the pain assistance I can during labor but figured the class is still a good idea. Not to mention, it's a way to pull Ty away from the Playstation 1 night a week for 4 weeks! I've thought about taking the Infant Class even though I think I'd make it just fine with my mom and 2 sister's advice but the class might save me from having to call them every 10 minutes! I don't know what I'd do without their advice!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Getting ready for Barrett
I had a great weekend and got lots of stuff done. Barrett's furniture is officially on it's way and I'm calling today about getting his bedding made. I looked in Jackson at baby furniture and didn't find anything at all so we ended up going to Babys R Us in Memphis on Saturday and they had a huge selection. I'm in love with what we ordered! I put the colors and patterns together for his bedding since I wanted something different and bright. Hopefully we will have all of his bedding within a month. Once we get it, I'll be able to paint his room, which my wonderful stepdad will be doing for us! Not quite sure what color the walls will be, since I'm still deciding between a couple of different bedding designs. I've definitely noticed a small increase in his movement this weekend. It's getting a little stronger and more frequent. I can't wait for Ty to be able to feel him kick! This week, we're going to start moving everything out of Barrett's room. Where we're going to find the space for all of this stuff, who knows! His room is now being used as an extra sitting area, with a futon, TV, and tables. Luckily, I think I've sold everything in that room, so it will all be getting picked up soon. We would really love to build a bigger house but the whole process just makes me exhausted, thinking about it. We do have 3 bedrooms right now, but they're all really small and our closet space is pretty ridiculous. However, we can definitely make it work for the time being. My next appointment is on July 28th, so I will update then.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I am so blessed!
We went for our ultrasound today! I'm 18 weeks 2 days and have finally gained two pounds. Everything looked great. The baby measured 5 days ahead and weighed 10 ounces. It was so neat to see little details like all the chambers of the heart, the kidneys, spine, and bladder. Of course, it was the best thing to see two arms and two legs! That's all I could have asked for. The ultrasound tech asked us a few minutes in, if we wanted to know the gender or not and of course, I was thrilled to know. She said she already knew what it was but would double-check in a couple of minutes. Sure enough, she showed us his little BOY parts! There was no doubt at all! He was just chillin' in there! He moved but nothing too crazy. The picture above shows a side view of his face. He kept his arm up there the whole time. We are so excited that the baby looked healthy and of course were happy to hear it's a boy! We have decided on Barrett Asa Jones for his name. Asa was my great grandfather's middle name. He was the best grandfather I could have ever asked for and I wish he was still around today. It's amazing what kinds of faces people will make to your face when you tell them what name you've chosen. Haha. Oh well, that's why Ty and I are the parents and not them. I go back to the doctor in four weeks for another checkup. Until then, I'll be doing PLENTY of shopping (starting today actually) for this sweet little boy that's coming in November. I haven't bought a single thing as of yet, so I'm looking forward to it! I am on cloud 9!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Come on June 30th!

I'm getting more eager every day for June 30th to get here. I cannot wait to find out if the baby's a he/she. I'm sure I'll buy a few things that day, considering I haven't bought a single thing so far! I am excited to start setting up the baby's room. I just hope Baby Jones cooperates. The doctor told me 18 weeks is still a little on the early side to be able to tell the sex but I "shouldn't" have a problem. We'll just hope for the best! All I can truely hope for is a happy and healthy baby! I've definitely felt the baby moving a little. It's not kicks just yet but there's definitely something swimming around in there. So far, I haven't gained a single pound but I look like I've gained 10. I started showing a couple of weeks ago, around 15 weeks (picture above), and now strangers are asking me if I'm pregnant. At first I thought, "wow these people are really daring to ask if I'm pregnant. I'm not even that big". I don't mind it now though. My stomach has gotten larger and I actually enjoy my belly. I know I'll miss it when it's gone. The nausea still comes and goes but is nothing like it was in the first trimester. However, where the nausea went away, loads of others things came and filled it's place! They may not always be fun but it's a reminder that I have a life growing inside of me. I will update again after my next ultrasound and hopefully have a name for him or her!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Doctor Visit
I had another checkup today and everything for the most part went as planned. I was a little bummed when my doctor told me that my due date needed to be changed back to November 29. My first ultrasound measured 6 weeks exactly, which initially gave me the due date of November 29. I had another ultrasound a week later, measuring 6 days ahead, at 8 weeks 2 days, so they decided to change my due date to November 23. Well, I guess he reviewed my past few visits and realized they shouldn't have changed my due date. He said the earlier the ultrasound, the more accurate it is, so we will just go with November 29. Oh well...the baby's going to come when it wants to come anyways! Once again, we had to chase the runt around for a few minutes with the doppler. Once we did catch it for a few seconds, the heartrate measured at 154 beats per minute. I also scheduled my anatomy ultrasound on June 30, when I'll be 18 weeks 2 days. I'm so excited! Hopefully, Baby Jones will cooperate and we'll find out if we need to buy pink or blue! Oddly, my insurance doesn't consider the anatomy scan a necessity, so we'll be paying for it out of pocket. I've narrowed my baby name list down to about 20 names per sex...haha. I wanted to pick out a girl and boy name before finding out the sex but Ty prefers to wait until after we know the sex, so I guess we'll be waiting. I guess that would be less work! I never thought picking out my child's name could be this difficult!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A New Beginning
I decided to start a blog, so I could keep up with all the experiences of my pregnancy. It's definitely been a different experience so far! Luckily, I am about in my second trimester and am starting to feel better. I had my last ultrasound at 8 weeks 2 days and saw the little blob with tiny arm and leg nubs. I won't get another glimpse at Baby Jones until around 20 weeks, when we'll hopefully find out the sex! We cannot wait! This baby has been such a blessing. We started trying to conceive in June 2009. I had decided in February 2010 to take a break, since our vacation to Florida was around the corner. I figured if I was that close to going to the beach, why not go ahead and be able to party it up in Destin? Well, to our surprise, we conceived in late February/early March 2010. It's crazy how God works his ways in our lives. Now that I'm finally pregnant, I couldn't be happier. Ty's excited too but of course, he is still a male! I don't think he'll be truely excited until he sees that baby. I am 12 weeks 2 days today, with an expected due date of November 23, 2010. I saw Dr. Ball yesterday and heard the baby's heartbeat. They found it very easy but the baby did not like it and ran every time we found him/her. It registered at around 160 beats per minute. I'll see the doctor again on June 3rd, when I'll be 15 weeks.
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