Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting the hang of this mommy thing!

Overall, I think I'm getting the hang of being a mother and it's a sigh of relief. We're in a "somewhat" routine with Barrett, so that's nice. He's hungry about every 3 hours but sometimes will go 4 hours. He's averaging about 5 ounces of formula each feeding but sometimes will only take 3 ounces and occasionally wants 6 ounces. He's done fairly well sleeping the past few nights. He gets up about every 3 hours and as soon as he finishes his bottle, he typically goes right back to sleep. It takes 30-45 minutes to feed him, plus 10 minutes to rock him back to sleep, so technically I'm getting about 2 hours of sleep in between him waking up. I hate sitting home all day so I normally just operate on what sleep I can get. I occasionally slip in a 30 minute nap or so. We're both sick and it kills me to see him feeling bad. We went to the doctor yesterday and it seems it's just "the crud" so there's not much we can do. I'm giving him saline throughout the day and sucking out his nose but it's not helping as much as I'd hoped. Him feeling bad is making him not want to take his bottle, bless his heart! For the past week, he's had a crying fit from about 11 pm until 1 or 2 am. I'm thinking it may be a little colic, since I've heard it normally hits babies at the same time every day.

I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner! We didn't put up our big tree or all the house decorations this year. There's been WAY too much going on to worry about it. My mom let us borrow her little 3 or 4 foot tree and it does just fine! I did atleast put up our stockings too. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done but have just a little bit left and am trying to finish that up this week. Hopefully, all of the stuff will be here in time! Everyone has been asking me what to get Barrett and I have no idea! I'll be thankful for anything he gets. I think some people have gotten too wrapped up in what gifts they get and have forgotten the real reason for Christmas. I'll never let Barrett be one of those bratty kids that acts rude if they don't get exactly what they wanted. Of course, kids mainly think about what gifts they're going to get for Christmas and that's fine but I've seen some kids act pathetic because they didn't get exactly what they wanted.

Barrett's definitely filling out his 3 month clothes now! He'll be in 6 month clothing before too much longer. He weighed 12 pounds on Monday and 12 lb 8 oz yesterday! I have no idea what caused me to have such a big baby! I had no health problems at all while I was pregnant so he's just one of those random big babies! He got his newborn pictures done this week and I'm so happy with them! I placed a big order for some last night. It was hard to get him to do all of the newborn poses the photographer normally does because he's so strong. I remember the day he was born, he was able to support his head on his own. I'm proud to say I've officially had 1 person say that Barrett looks just like me! Haha. He is definitely a mini-Ty so it's nice to hear someone say he looks like me.

I guess I need to go get a shower while this booger is asleep. I always put him in his bouncy seat while I get ready and he does great. He actually loves the sound of the hair dryer, so he sleeps great through it. Adios!

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