I have been waiting for it to be November for about 8 months now! I'm 36 weeks today with only 4 weeks until my due date. Hallelujah! I've really noticed some changes in the past week or two. Being pregnant can do some REALLY weird stuff to your body. It's like I wake up with something new every morning. My teeth are sooo sensitive now, out of nowhere and I've been told it's because I'm pregnant...weird. My fingers, toes, ankles, and wrists are trying to freeze up on me lately. I can't grasp things very well anymore without it hurting. Supposedly, that's due to swelling and the hormone that causes my joints, etc. to loosen up...fabulous. I've also had some tingling in my face and scalp that is SO annoying. However, I went to the doctor today and I was reassured that all of this is normal. I was shocked to see I've gained 5 pounds in the past week and my feet and hands are starting to swell which is pretty painful. The doctor said I was definitely retaining some fluid which explained my weight gain too. She said there was no way I could eat enough to gain that much weight in 1 week, which I figured because I'm not eating any more/different than I have been. I was told to avoid salt to help the swelling and we'd just watch to make sure my blood pressure doesn't decide to skyrocket or protein doesn't show up in my urine, which are signs of pre-eclampsia. I was also glad to hear my Group B Strep test was negative which means I don't have to take antibiotics during labor. It wouldn't be a big deal if I did have to take them but I'd rather not in case they made me feel bad.
Right now, I'm just counting the days. Next Monday, I'll be considered full term which means the baby is fully developed and would be expected to be perfectly fine if delivered at that point. They pretty much just gain weight and mature more after 37 weeks. I asked the doctor how far past my due date they'd let me go and she told me that typically, they won't let you go over 10 days past due. However, if I look ready (I don't think I'll go into detail with what that means ;)), but haven't dilated, they'll induce as soon as a day past my due date. They said it's just easier on me and the baby if I "appear" ready but just need help dilating. I was glad to hear they don't make you wait 2 weeks after your due date nowadays. That seems like forever away! But, I'm hoping that Barrett will at least be here by his due date. Hey, a girl can hope, right?! Realistically, I'm trying not to get my hopes up either way though.
Hopefully if any of you run into me out somewhere, I'm not rude. I've caught myself getting irritated easily these days and I totally don't mean to be like that. It has been nice though, being honest with CERTAIN people about how I feel and having no shame or bad feelings about doing so. In other words, sorry in advance if I act like a you-know-what. I'm putting forth every effort to be as nice as I can. Honestly, I'm usually only rude to people that deserve it anyways and had it coming for a long time ;). Anyways, I'll be back at the doctor on Monday, so I'll update then. Have a great week!
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