Thursday, December 30, 2010


Me and Barrett were both up with a stomach bug Tuesday night until about 3 am, when he finally was able to fall asleep. He woke back up at 6 and decided he was going to stay awake. Around 9 am, I decided I just couldn't do it that day, so I called Ty's mom and she was happy to keep him for me, thank goodness! She came to pick him up around 11 and I was happy to get a break and to hopefully feel better. I never expected to feel how I felt after he left. It's just such an odd indescribable feeling. As soon as I shut the door, I boo-hooed for a while. I was so excited to get the break but so sad for him to leave. It's funny because my sister was just talking about that feeling last week to me and I didn't understand at the time. But I can say now, that I totally know what she was talking about. Me and Ty went to eat with some friends last night and ran a few places after it. When we got home, we both said we felt kind of guilty for having such a good time, just the two of us. However, I keep telling myself that it's totally normal to still be able to have fun, without Barrett. I think every couple that has children, needs a break every now and then, for just the two of them.

As I came to work today, I happened to look down at my dry clean only black jacket. I realized that I probably look horrible because it's covered in white dog hair and had some spit up around the collar...haha. I'm sure that's how it's going to look for a while too. It comes with the property of being a mother to a human baby and dog baby and I don't mind it at all! Everyone will just have to excuse it, when they see me.

I'm finally feeling a little better with the postpartum depression. I've been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now and it's starting to help. I truly appreciate all of you that have messaged/texted me lately, just checking on me. It helps alot! I still have times when I'm down but overall, it's better and I'm able to cope with the bad feelings.

We are so thankful for the great family we've been blessed with! As I mentioned already, Ty's parents kept Barrett last night and my sweet mom and stepdad are keeping him on New Year's Eve. My sister stayed at our house one night last week and got up with him. We've had sooo much help since he's been born and are so grateful for that!

I've started to call Barrett "B" lately. My sister actually started calling him that first and I've just picked up on it. It's pretty catchy, so I'm thinking it may stick a while. He's been smiling alot for us lately. It's so sweet! We've had to not hold him as much lately because he's gotten to where that's all he wants and cries when we don't hold him. Unfortunately, when we see family, that's all they want to do which is understandable, but it makes it hard on us when we get home because we just can't hold him 24/7. He's still doing fine, sleeping in his crib, which I'm happy about. He gets up every 3-5 hours and take 4-6 ounces of milk at a time. He got his first taste of Pedialyte at Ty's mom's yesterday, which I'm curious to see how well he did with it. I'm sure he loved it! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve!

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