Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finally got some news

So, I found out my results from Friday's MRI yesterday. They found...NOTHING. I'm baffled to say the least. They're putting it off to upper IBS but still don't know what's causing me to vomit. The Vandy doctor said that he figures at the time, I probably did have Pancreatitis but doubts I ever had a blocked bile duct. He said it "might" have been blocked at that time but it isn't now. I'm irritated and upset about the whole situation. I went through all of this for no reason and still don't have an answer. There's been some mention of possibly Chron's or Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction or some other disease where your upper intestines clamp together, keeping food from digesting...I'd have to go through alot more testing to see if it's any of these other things and I'm just not up for it. My symptoms sound exactly like Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction though. However, to diagnose it, the doctor would have to perform an ERCP on me and when the Jackson doctor attempted it in February, he was unable to even get in my bile duct to do the ERCP so it couldn't even be checked. Not to mention, the Vandy doctor said that he may not even be able to tell if I wasn't having a current flare-up. The doctor mentioned putting me on antispasmodics but I've taken some before and I either got bad side effects or they just didn't work. Oh well. I've done all that I can and it's just something I'll have to adjust to. Anyways, just thought I'd update since I've had a few people asking me what the status was.

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