Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My baby's growing up :(

I mean, obviously all babies grow up but it's so hard/unbelievable when it's your own. This time a year ago, Barrett was SO different. He was six weeks old and weighed around 14 pounds. He wore size six months in clothing and size one in shoes. He woke up randomly during the night and was on no kind of schedule, whatsoever. He drank around four ounces of powdered formula every two to three hours. He enjoyed laying in his bouncy seat, playing with a few small toys. Now, Barrett's 58 weeks old and weighs around 26 pounds. He wears size 18-24 months in clothing and size five in shoes. He sleeps a solid ten hours a night, sometimes twelve hours, very rarely waking in the middle of the night. He's finally decided he'll take on a schedule. He moved on from formula to about twelve ounces of whole milk a day and eight ounces of water and juice. He eats four meals a day and one snack. He loves cheese, bananas, pasta, green beans, and ice cream. He's definitely my child ;p.

He is just such a wonderful baby...really. I'm not saying he's perfect. No one's perfect. He's still a one year old and a male one year old at that! But seriously, I couldn't imagine having a more cooperative baby. For the past week, Ty and I have been able to lay our thirteen month old in his crib at bedtime and he doesn't make a peep. Even if he's not sleepy, he'll lay there, quiet as a mouse, until he falls asleep. In the mornings, I'm able to turn on a Mickey Mouse DVD in his playroom (right beside my room for all of you worrying about how I'm able to see him) and he'll play with his toys and watch his movie while I get a shower and get ready for work. Also, he's a really good eater. He eats the same proportions that I eat at times, which seems like a lot for a one year old. He's reached the age where he strives to entertain strangers when we're in public and I love it! Most of the time, he makes many new friends and they'll talk and play with him, which he just eats up. Rarely, we'll have a grouch ignore him and it breaks my heart. You can see in his little innocent eyes that he just doesn't understand why they don't even smile at him. I mean, how can you not even smile at a sweet little baby gleaming at you?! If you don't want to have a conversation, I understand but at least smile at him :(.

He's really good about not getting into things like electrical cords and plants, etc. Of course I still watch to make sure he doesn't get into anything because I know that one day, he may decide that that electrical socket looks very interesting ;). The only things so far that we have to really keep an eye on with him are: A) Lilly's food and water dishes, and B) the toilets :/. I've caught him twice with Lilly's food in his mouth. She eats dry dog food which is a good and a bad thing. It's good because it doesn't seem as gross as wet dog food would be in his mouth but it's bad because he could easily choke on it. He loves to stick his whole hand in her water dish and splash it everywhere. He hasn't dumped the whole bowl yet...YET, I said. The toilet situation is just disgusting. He's done it twice now...that is, he's stuck his hand IN the toilet water. The first time, I was getting ready for work and it didn't take him thirty seconds to get out of my sight and hands-first in the toilet. After that incident, we've kept our toilet lids down and the bathroom doors shut. BUT...I came down with some kind of virus Saturday night and felt too bad to even think about shutting the toilet lid or the bathroom door. I was running 102 fever, chills, body aches, weak, and felt really nauseous but never actually got sick (thank goodness for Barrett's hands' sake). I just felt awful and came back to bed and crashed. Next thing I know, Ty's like, "Ashlie!!! You didn't shut the bathroom door and Barrett's been in here splashing in the toilet!" Dis.Gust.Ing. But, I feel like that's Ty's fault...he knew I was sick ;). He should have watched B closer, maybe!

I've been told a lot lately that Barrett's beginning to look more like me than he does Ty...FINALLY! His eyes seem to be turning green or brown though :( Not that brown are bad. It's just that my mother, two sisters, and myself, all got our blue eyes from my great grandfather that Barrett is named after, so it would be nice if he kept his blue eyes too. Charles Asa Walker was my great grandfather's name and Barrett's middle name is Asa. 'Daddy Charles' was a wonderful man. He treated my great grandmother like gold. They were what every loving couple should strive to be. They had an unconditional love that was explained by the way they treated and looked at eachother. They must have been special people because they have four great great grandchildren that are named after them. My nephews' names are WALKER Penn Ridgeway, Jackson CHARLES Ridgeway, and Colin BRADSHAW Davison. My great grandmother's maiden name was Bradshaw. Before I knew that Barrett was a boy, I had intentions of incorporating 'Nuna Mom's' first name, Evelyn, as either a girl's first or middle name. I just wish both great grandparents were still around to see how much they are loved and looked up to :).

Anyways, I've got to go to bed at a desent time. Barrett's got a doctor's appointment in the morning that I've been dreading but anxious for so we've got to be up early! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week! Happy 2012!

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