Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thank goodness THAT'S over!

Last week was one of the worst weeks for Barrett since he was about a month old. Firstly, it's been hard on him, having to get back into the daycare routine and not being with us 24/7 like he was while we were on vacation 2 weeks ago. Secondly, last Monday, we started letting him "cry it out" after we put him in his crib at night. We rock him to sleep every night. He would be knocked out but as soon as he was laid in his crib, he'd cry. The first night, he cried for about an hour before he fell asleep. However, since that first night, he's done MUCH better, only crying for about 15 minutes IF he cries at all. He's also waking up 1 or 2 times at night, which I know isn't really that bad but I'm just not used to it. For the first 6 months of his life, he slept in his crib for at least 8 hours straight, every night, hardly ever waking up in the middle of the night (of course except for the first month or so). At 6 months, we made the mistake of putting him in our bed when he'd wake up at 4 am or so, and it became habit. If I could go back in time, I would have never put him in the bed with us that first time. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing for all children to sleep with their parents. I'm just saying that it wasn't healthy for our family. I know Barrett loved it but he had gotten so attached to us that we couldn't hardly set him down without him crying for us to hold him. Also, we have a queen bed and it was getting to be a tight squeeze for all 3 of us. Now that we have our bed back to ourselves, I'm loving it! It's nice to be able to cuddle with my husband again!

Saying Barrett was fussy 24/7 last week is a huge understatement. We went to the doctor Monday for his 9 month checkup, which went well. He was fine at the time but as soon as we got home (go figure) he started coughing bad. We went back to the doctor Tuesday and Dr. Woods thought B had Croup again, so he took Prednisone for 3 days. I could tell he felt horrible from the Prednisone AND whatever sickness he had. When I picked him up from daycare Friday, the worker told me he'd had a REALLY bad diaper and it had gotten all over his clothes so I started getting concerned. I got home and checked his temperature and sure enough, he had a low-grade fever. Something made me think to check his gums and his bottom right front tooth had come through! I was relieved but felt bad at the same time. If I had known he was teething all week, I would have postponed the "crying it out". Bless his heart, now I know why he cried so much :(. I had no idea that teething would make him so sick. He was coughing, had diarrhea, runny nose, sleepy but not sleepy, ill, starving one second and not the name it. I'm just glad that it came through because since Friday, he's been such a pleasant baby! He stayed with Ty's parents Friday night so Ty and I could go out with a couple of our friends. It was nice to have a baby-free night after the horrendous week we all had.

I'm relieved that every thing's back to normal. We were in Florida for a week. The day after we got back, Ty went to Bristol with some friends for a Nascar race, leaving Barrett and I at home. I loved getting time with Barrett by myself but it was a little exhausting! We got some quality mommy-son time. Ty was in Bristol from Friday to Sunday. Then, Barrett went back to daycare that Monday and Ty and I went back to work. I was expecting to be overwhelmed with paperwork, piled up from vacation but it wasn't bad at all! It was definitely enough to keep me busy all week, but heck, you can only do what you can reason to get stressed.

I found out when I got back from vacation that my grandmother has been diagnosed with colon cancer. However, the doctor believes he removed all of the cancer and none was in her lymph nodes, which is a good sign. We went to visit her last weekend and I couldn't believe how well she was getting around! It had been at least a week since her surgery but the incision she had was really long and looked like it hurt. Her spirits seemed to be great though! The next step is to just see an oncologist and make sure she keeps herself updated with tests and all.

Ty's grandfather got married this past Thursday, so congrats to him and his new wife. Also, my sister, Christie's, birthday is tomorrow so happy birthday, Chris! Happy belated birthday to my father, whose birthday was September 1st. I'm so glad we have tomorrow off work! Everyone have a good Labor Day!

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