Wow, I feel like it's been forever since I've blogged! Obviously, not much has been going on in my life, ha ha. I went to Atlanta for my nephew's birthday about a month ago. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I had Strep Throat which turned into some weird sickness. My neck hurt so bad that I couldn't move it. I had a headache with it and fever too. This all lasted for about 2 weeks. I went to the doctor and they couldn't figure out what it was. I was given a shot of Penicillin, a shot of Rocephin, and 10 days of Amoxicillin but none of it helped. I'm guessing it was viral. Thank goodness it finally went away because it was absolutely horrible. Towards the end of it, I was getting depressed from having to lay around so much. I'm not the kind of person that enjoys taking off of work and being lazy at home. I prefer to be busy during the week. It's just natural to me. I intended on going to church today but Barrett work us up sick this morning. So, I slept late and cleaned house for almost 6 hours. It was so dirty and needed a good scrubbin'. Of course, Barrett helped me clean know...getting the dirty Clorox wipes out of the garbage can, picking up the toilet wand by the dirty end...that kind of help ;).
Barrett learns something new every day now it seems. His most recent thing is learning to call me "Ashlie". I can't help but laugh when he does it though. He says it like, "Atty". He's been able to say "momma" for a while now but has never really called for me in a room, saying "momma". He started last night by bringing something to me, saying "Atty". Then today, he did it multiple times as he was "helping" me clean. I correct him every time and tell him to call me "momma" and he will but the next time, it's like I never told him, ha ha. Oh well...he's still young. He says a ton of words now. He'll say, "Lilly" and it's the cutest thing. He says his L's so pronunciated! He doesn't make the "w" sound for L's like most toddlers do. He learned the word "apple" and "open" around the same time. The problem is that he doesn't hear the difference in the words or he just doesn't know how to say "open" correctly. When he wants something opened, he says "apple". He also says "apple" when he sees an actual apple. The same with "dog" and "door". The other day, I told him to close the door. He went and pointed to Lilly and said "dog". It's so funny. I tell him the difference every time but it's not soaking in. That's OK though! I'm beyond proud of him for knowing such a large vocabulary. He says, "duck, dog, apple, water, bottle, blanket, paci, shoes, socks, mouth, nose, eyes" and tons of other words. He's really good at repeating people's names too.
I'm just so proud of him. He was a little behind on some developmental things between 9 and 12 months so I was a little worried he'd always be behind on things. Obviously, he's just fine. He's so sweet too. He gives the best hugs and kisses. He's not crazy about giving hugs anymore but after I ask him a few times, he'll give in :p.
I've changed up my schedule in the past month. I work 9 to 5 now instead of 12 to 5. It's been a change for sure! I get up around 6:00 am and get myself ready. Then, I get Barrett up around 7:30 and get him ready. After he's dressed, I feed him breakfast. Then, if I have extra time, I play with him for a little bit. I have him at daycare around 8:45 and then I head to work. I am loving the new routine! I am definitely a person that needs a schedule in her life. It's good for me. It has proved tiring though. I get off of work at 5, pickup B from daycare, then head home, getting there around 5:30. I do all of the housework, so that consumes a lot of my evenings. We start getting Barrett ready for bed around 7:30 or 8:00 pm. He gets a bath every other night (having eczema, a bath every night would dry his skin out too bad). He gets a bottle of warm milk, then I rock him for a little bit and put him to bed by 8:30. I try to get in bed by 10:00 pm lately. Obviously, I'm making an exception tonight. I guess I slept too late this morning because I'm not really sleepy :/
Speaking of being sleepy, I need to at least get in the bed. Six o'clock is going to come sooner than I realize! I hope everyone has a great week! Good night.